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篇名 十九世紀末基隆廟埕聚落影像解讀-以奠濟宮為例
卷期 34
並列篇名 Image Interpretation of the Keelung Temple Settlement in the Late 19th Century - A Case Study of Dianji Temple
作者 舒瑞國
頁次 039-071
關鍵字 基隆崁仔頂聚落廟埕聚落奠濟宮影像解讀KeelungKanzaiding settlementtemple-based settlementDianjikon TempleImage interpretation
出刊日期 202306


崁仔頂聚落,是基隆最早開發的街市。隨著崁仔頂聚落的形成,漳州人的聚集,以捕魚、屯墾為生,廟埕聚落也自然形成,奠濟宮也是重要的文化、信仰中心之一。但是,像清代多數的市街、廟埕聚落一樣,缺乏圖像,以及實際空間測量的記錄。如果僅以文字史料的記錄,實難一窺聚落的全貌。所幸在清法戰爭、臺灣戰役期間,André Salles(1860-1929)這位軍官、攝影師,所拍攝的基隆內港市街的照片,提供廟埕聚落,最佳的影像解讀依據。本文以這些照片為根據,比對法軍地圖、日本時代的地圖、日本時代中期的市區改正圖、現今Google Earth 3D的地圖,交錯比對。更參考清代時期的古契書,了解其土地變更,空間場域的轉移,嘗試解讀廟埕聚落的圖像,與其變遷過程。


The settlement Kanzaiding was the earliest street market developed in Keelung. With the formation of the Kanzaiding, people from Zhangzhou (a city in Fujian province) gathered to make a living by fishing and farming, and the temple-based settlement also formed naturally. Dianjikon Temple was also one of the important cultural and religious centers. However, like most of the city streets and temple-based settlements in the Qing Dynasty, images and records of actual spatial measurements were lacking. Relying solely on written historical materials makes it difficult to see the whole picture of the settlement. Fortunately, during the Sino-French War and the Taiwan Campaign, officer and photographer André Salles (1860-1929) took pictures of Keelung's inner harbor city streets, providing the best basis for visual interpretation of the temple-based settlements. Based on these photos, this article compares and cross-references them with the French army map, the Japanese colonial map, the urban modification map from the mid-Japanese colonial period and the current Google Earth 3D map. This study also refers to the ancient deeds from the Qing Dynasty to understand the change of land and the transfer of spatial fields, and try to interpret the visual data of temple-based settlements and their changing process.
