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篇名 從檔案文書論蘆洲李家的發展與貢獻-以李友邦為例
卷期 34
並列篇名 Examining the Development and Contributions of the Luchou Lee Family through the Archives - A Case Study of Lee You-Pang
作者 卞鳳奎
頁次 073-123
關鍵字 李友邦嚴秀峰臺灣義勇隊臺灣少年團臺灣醫院Lee You-PangYen Hsiu-FengTaiwan Volunteer Defense CorpTaiwan Youth CorpTaiwan Hospitals
出刊日期 202306




Ms. Yen Hsiu-Feng preserved the relevant archives and cultural relics of the "Taiwan Volunteer Defense Corp ", which was organized by General Lee You-Pang, for many years before her passing. In her youth, Ms. Yen shared the same commitment to serve the country as General Lee You-Pang. Both of them not only gave up the hard-earned prosperity and well-being they accumulated at home, but also risked their lives to go to the battlefield to protect their homeland. Ms. Yen deeply understood the significance of this collection of archives and dedicated her entire life to preserve it. She originally planned to donate the archives to the state for preservation to allow the whole society to better appreciate General Lee You-Pang's patriotism towards Taiwan. Regrettably, Ms. Yen Hsiu-Feng passed away on June 14, 2015. Consequently, Mr. Lee Li-Chun, son of General Lee You-Pang, assumed responsibility for managing the archives. Due to the enormous size of the archives and the complexity of the project, Mr. Lee donated the entire collection in two successive batches and commissioned National Taiwan Ocean University’s work team to organize and restore the archives. The first batch was completed and restored on December 15, 2018, with a total of 1,063 pieces processed. The second batch was completed on November 30, 2021, with a total of 435 pieces processed. These documents bring clearer insight into the growth and industry of the the Luchou Lee Family in northern Taiwan after their migration across the Formosa Strait. Additionally, they better profiles General Lee You-Pang’s anti-Japanese efforts. He returned to China to join the anti-Japanese struggle and sacrificed the inheritance of the rich family property accumulated by his ancestors through hard work. In China, he entered the Whampoa Military Academy and later organized the Taiwan Volunteer Defense Corp, Taiwan Youth Corp, and Taiwan Hospital, all aiming to liberate Taiwan from Japanese colonial rule. This paper reviews the growth of the Luchou Lee Family in Taiwan and General Lee You-Pang 's anti-Japanese activities in China through the documents donated by Ms. Yen Hsiu-Feng and the family.
