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篇名 臺灣智慧醫療器材之立法與監管新趨勢
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 New Trends in Legislation and Regulations for eHealth Devices in Taiwan
作者 吳振吉
頁次 037-078
關鍵字 智慧醫療醫療器材管制上市前審查上市後監督eHealthmedical deviceregulationpre-market reviewpost-market surveillance
出刊日期 202309




eHealth is vehemently reshaping our current medical care model. Moreover, it is a key industry that Taiwan has actively deployed in recent years. The eHealth devices have the characteristics of software technology as the core, short product life cycle, and potential black box, which are significantly different from traditional medical devices in essence. To address the rapid development of eHealth devices, the “Medical Devices Act” has been implemented in Taiwan since 2021. Under the framework of the Medical Devices Act and related regulations, Taiwan has formed an operating mechanism for pre-market review and post-market surveillance of eHealth devices. In response to the characteristics of eHealth devices that emphasize the speed of development, it has been proposed that the pre-market review process should be relaxed. After the implementation of the Medical Devices Act, Taiwan's pre-market review of medical devices has also tended to loosen, however, it appears that the review process lacks the flexibility to address the myriad eHealth devices. On the other hand, corresponding to the relaxation of the premarket review process, the post-market surveillance of eHealth devices becomes crucial to protect the health of the public. Although the Medical Devices Act stipulates tracking system and safety supervision for the post-market surveillance of medical devices, the operation still depends on the active inspection by the Taiwan FDA. Unfortunately, the wide variety and complexity of eHealth devices are beyond the scope that the Taiwan FDA can cope with. Adopting a more flexible approach, that is, "collaborative governance" by both the Taiwan FDA and medical experts, will be a more reasonable regulatory model to achieve the desired balance between product safety and industrial innovation.
