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篇名 農用無人車設計及操作安全管制原則
卷期 19:1
並列篇名 The Regulatory Principles of Design and Operation Safety in Smart Agricultural Unmanned Vehicles
作者 蔡達智
頁次 079-136
關鍵字 智慧農業農用無人車農機性能測定機械安全維修權smart agricultureagricultural unmanned vehicleperformance testing of agricultural machineriesmachinery safetyright to repair
出刊日期 202309




The current safety control system related to agricultural unmanned vehicles, from design, manufacturing to operation and use, often has deficiencies in regulations, which can easily lead to over-prevention or over-indulgence for farmer’s decision making. This may not be beneficial to the development of innovative technology for smart agricultural unmanned vehicles. It will have a negative impact on the rights and interests of people and vehicles users, relevant employees/practitioners and even irrelevant passers-by. For the safety control of agricultural unmanned vehicles, the current main method is to measure the performance testing of agricultural machinery before it is put on the market. However, regardless of the legal characteristic, effect, information release or dissemination of the measure information/data, whether it can engage in farming or drive on the road if it fails the performance testing measurement, whether it is possible to present relevant testing data/information to prove its probability or possibility on the face of evidence during the litigation process, all lacking clear and certain relative regulations. Even pass the performance testing of agricultural machinery, there is still without proper regulatory plan to assess selecting interest on behalf when agricultural unmanned vehicles face conflicting obligations in any aspect within accidents. While there is no such conflict of obligations, there are still very few specific regulations on whether the operation of agricultural unmanned vehicles requires a human driver, whether it is necessary to obtain a driving license or operating permit, whether it can drive on ordinary roads, and whether it can be operated in the farm fields. Because of the characteristics of the unmanned and artificial intelligence, farmers may not be able to use unauthorized fix, repair or maintenance software, making it difficult for farmers working on farmland in remote areas with inconvenient transportation to repair agricultural unmanned vehicles by themselves. As a matter of fact, all the issues lie in the fact that relevant regulations pay less attention to and have insufficient understanding the natural characteristics of the artificial intelligence operating in the open farm fields within the agricultural unmanned vehicles. Also, highly respect farmers’ autonomy and reduce unnecessary governmental intervention leading agricultural machinery safety regulatory systems not so well modified at the same time. In order to avoid unnecessary disputes over rights and responsibilities when using agricultural unmanned vehicles, it is necessary to improve the relevant safety control systems and coordinate the rights and interests of relevant personnel based on the specific characteristics for the artificial intelligence, unmanned, field operation and reasonable dispatching the intellectual properties of agricultural unmanned vehicles.
