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篇名 年輕男性動靜脈畸形成功移除管路之護理經驗
卷期 20:1
並列篇名 Nursing Experience of Successful Removal of Tubes in a Male Patient with Arteriovenous Malformation
作者 吳書瑾郭昱純王維那
頁次 048-059
關鍵字 年輕男性動靜脈畸形管路移除ManArteriovenous malformationTube removal
出刊日期 202401




This study investigated the nursing experience of a male patient with arteriovenous malformation who had tracheostomy and nasogastric tubes successfully removed postoperatively. Nursing care was provided from September 14 to October 12, 2020. The health problems identified through observation, written interview, and Gordon’s 11 functional health patterns were respiratory clearance failure, potentially dangerous pulmonary aspiration, and nervousness in caregivers. The patient underwent craniotomy because of arteriovenous malformation and rupture. Tracheotomy and nasogastric intubation were performed because of difficulty in weaning from the ventilator postoperatively. Following the unanticipated health condition changes, the medical team collaborated with the patient and parents to develop breathing and swallowing training and daily personal care plans. While implementing the plan, the health education leaflets, videos, and demonstrations were provided with training evaluation forms, positive feedback was provided during the self-confidence enhancement process, parents were encouraged to participate in the care process, and available resources were provided to reduce the parents’ anxiety in providing care. Ultimately, the nasogastric and tracheostomy tubes were successfully removed. Additionally, a multidisciplinary team meeting was conducted to evaluate the problems with providing care after the patient was discharged and provide transitional care resources so that the patient could receive good and continuous healthcare after discharge. We hope that this experience can be a reference for future cases of indwelling tracheostomy and nasogastric tubes.
