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篇名 以圖像式教材為鷹架指導智能障礙兒童學習口述照樣造句之研究
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 A Study on the Graphical Teaching Material as a Scaffolding for Oral Sentence-making in Children with Intellectual Disabilities
作者 楊永欣張千惠何彥如
頁次 082-100
關鍵字 圖像式教材鷹架教學智能障礙兒童口述照樣造句Graphical teaching materialscaffolding teachingchildren with intellectual disabilitiesoral sample sentence making
出刊日期 202306




The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of graphical teaching material scaffolding strategy on children with intellectual disabilities' oral sample sentence making. The motivation of the research is to solve the situation of incomplete spoken sentence patterns and few vocabulary changes in children with intellectual disabilities. The study utilized a single-subject cross-behavioral multi-baseline experimental design. Two elementary school children with intellectual disabilities were selected as the subjects of this study. The independent variable was the graphical teaching material, and the dependent variable was the intervention effect on the verbal substitution of subject, local adverb, and object in the oral sample sentence making of the children with intellectual disabilities. The main findings of this study are described below: I. After the intervention of graphical teaching material,, the number of subject substitutions in the oral sample sentence making of children with intellectual disabilities can be increased effectively. II. After the intervention of graphical teaching material, the number of local adverb substitutions in the oral sample sentence making of children with intellectual disabilities can be increased effectively. III. After the intervention of graphical teaching material, the number of object substitutions in the oral sample sentence making of children with intellectual disabilities can be increased effectively. Through the use of specific graphic teaching materials, it is possible to help children with intellectual disabilities learn the correct sentence structure and word replacement. Lastly, recommendations for future research based on the findings are made and the limitations of this study are also explained.
