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篇名 智能障礙者家屬選擇使用社區居住服務之決策過程
卷期 21:2
並列篇名 The Decision-making Process of Family Members of People with Intellectual Disabilities Choosing to Use Community Housing Services
作者 王文娟
頁次 101-114
關鍵字 智能障礙者家屬社區居住決策過程People with intellectual disabilitiesfamily memberscommunity housingdecision-making process
出刊日期 202306




In terms of the housing issue of people with intellectual disabilities, their family members often play a critical role in speaking up and decision-making. In a qualitative study, the use of purposeful sampling invites family members with intellectual disabilities who have used community housing services for three consecutive months to participate in the research through the invitation of social welfare organizations in community housing services. Qualitative interviews with family members of people with intellectual disabilities were conducted in this study to understand the process of choosing to use community housing services at first. In this study, the family members of 20 with intellectual disabilities were interviewed. The study revealed that most respondents learned about community housing services through referrals from formal support systems. In addition to training individuals with intellectual disabilities to be independent and forge their friendships, many have also chosen this type of living based on practical considerations, and the support of formal and informal resources plays a critical role in choosing the process of community housing. Because of the above, this study recommends increasing the promotion of community housing services and strengthening family-centered services.
