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篇名 論國軍懲罰制度導入「違失行為一體性原則」
卷期 69:5
並列篇名 A Studyand Legislative Proposals on the Armed Forces Punishment System Applying the Principle of Oneness of Wrongful Acts
作者 林文村
頁次 025-068
關鍵字 國軍懲罰制度違失行為一體性原則懲罰本質軍事勤務關係懲戒權耗盡Armed Forces Punishment SystemPrinciple of Oneness of Wrongful ActsNature of Military PunishmentMilitary Service RelationshipDoctrine of Disciplinary Power
出刊日期 202312




According to Article 7 paragraph 2 of the Armed Forces Punishment Act, one person who commits several wrongful acts shall be punished separately for each act committed, which proves that the object of punishment by the national army is “wrongful acts” rather than “personality”. This is different from the “Principle of Oneness of Wrongful Acts” adopted in the Civil Service Discipline system. The Active Service Men are also Civil Servants, and they have formed a military service relationship with the state, and this relationship is the legal interest that the national army must ensure for the purpose of punishment. Therefore, the essence of imposing punishment on the wrongful acts of the Active Service Men should be to conduct a one-time overall evaluation of the personality flaws displayed by all their wrongdoings, so as to judge whether the military personnel's identity is suitable or should be taken certain punishment measures. The contradiction between the current law and the essence of military punishment, and how to adjust and cooperate in legislative policy, is worth studying.
