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篇名 論體育競技國家代表隊選手服補充兵役之合憲性爭議
卷期 69:5
並列篇名 On the Constitutionality of Supplementary Military Service for Members of National Athletic Team
作者 蔡孟翰
頁次 103-129
關鍵字 補充兵役基本義務平等權比例原則Supplementary Military ServiceFundamental DutyEqual ProtectionProportionality
出刊日期 202312




According to the current Article 17, Paragraph 1 of the Conscription Act, if a male reserve conscript is an athlete representing the national team, he may obtain supplementary military service qualifications in accordance with the provisions of this article. This is aimed at safeguarding the professional careers of athletes and enhancing the national competitiveness in sports. However, this type of regulation raises various concerns. Firstly, if the state intends to grant exemptions or preferential treatment for specific groups in terms of military service obligations through policies, how can the principle of legal reservation be effectively implemented? Secondly, since this regulation clearly differs from the provisions governing military service for the general population, as athletes are not inherently at a disadvantage, we need to explore whether it may constitute a violation of the people's right to equal protection. Thirdly, if fundamental duties under the constitution are restricted by the state based on policy considerations, it is crucial to deeply consider the extent of such restrictions and their constitutionality. We will first explore the nature and content of the duty of performing military service as a fundamental constitutional obligation. We will then explore whether such provisions are constitutional under current law. Furthermore, since existing models of unconstitutional review primarily focus on safeguarding fundamental rights, we will attempt to make adjustments and seek out a model of unconstitutional review that is suitable for fundamental dutie. Finally, we provide our opinions on whether Article 17, Paragraph 1 of the Military Service Act is constitutional.
