
運輸學刊 TSSCI

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篇名 導入多元運具組合於交通行動服務之方案設計與選擇模式
卷期 35:4
並列篇名 Introducing the Combination of Multiple Modes into the Scenario Design and Choice Model of MaaS
作者 楊志文周佩瑤黃琳茜
頁次 377-412
關鍵字 交通行動服務多元運具組合類捷運路網潛在區隔模式使用者效益Mobility as a serviceCombination of multiple modesQuasi-MRT route networkLatent class modelUser welfareTSSCI
出刊日期 202312
DOI 10.6383/JCIT.202312_35(4).0001




This study focuses on the package design and choice behavior of Mobility-as-a- Service (MaaS) with incorporating the two concepts of the combination of multiple modes and quasi-MRT route network, which is formed by TMRT (Taichung mass rapid transit) Green Line, TRA (Taiwan railway administration) commuter train, the articulated bus, and shared transport. The empirical research employs the latent class model to explore the differences in choice preference and MaaS attribute between two groups: students and general. The results indicate that the younger or female travelers of the general group tend to prefer using quasi-MRT modes, bus, and shared bicycle, whereas students within the quasi-MRT route network show a preference for bus and shared motorcycle. Both students and general groups exhibit positive user welfare towards quasi-MRT modes and shared bicycle. This study firstly proposes an equivalent effect analysis of the package price and the level of mode services to provide MaaS operators as the basis for MaaS package adjustments. Additionally, the study suggests prioritizing the introduction of monthly package plan that includes both public and shared modes, and targeting students within the quasi-MRT route network, such initiatives could effectively enhance the utilization of MaaS plan.
