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篇名 考慮重疊服務區域和隨機需求的最佳派送服務區域劃分問題
卷期 35:4
並列篇名 Optimal Delivery Districting Planning Problem with Overlapping Service Regions and Stochastic Demands
作者 姚銘忠水敬心邱曼婷
頁次 413-448
關鍵字 廣義型重疊服務區域區域劃分貪婪演算法蒙地卡羅模擬法General overlapping service regionsDistricting planningGreedy heuristicMonte Carlo simulation methodTSSCI
出刊日期 202312
DOI 10.6383/JCIT.202312_35(4).0002




This study proposes an optimal district planning problem considering stochastic demands and general overlapping service regions. In the context of allowing multiple regions to overlap with each other, the objective is to determine the optimal districting which minimizes the long-term expected operational cost. Three approaches, namely "Greedy Heuristic", "Tabu Search" (TS) Algorithm, and "Tabu Search Algorithm with Optimal Computing Budget Allocation"(TS+OCBA), are introduced for solving this problem. Each districting that can include overlapping service regions is evaluated by its long-term expected operational cost, an average daily total operating costs (DTOC) of all the days in the planning horizon. To obtain the DTOC of a particular day, this study employs Monte Carlo Simulation to realize all customers’ demands and then solves the optimal vehicle routing problems with a genetic algorithm. Experimental results show that the Greedy Algorithm has the shortest computation time and achieves the lowest average objective function value, making it a recommended decision- supporting tool. Additionally, this study validates that partial overlapping districting can achieve a lower operational cost than conventional non-overlapping districting.
