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篇名 菲律賓深海兩個異鰓類新種之研究
卷期 47
並列篇名 Two new Marine Heterobranchia from the Philippines (GASTROPODA, HETEROBRANCHIA, VALVATOIDEA)
作者 黃式毅
頁次 078-092
關鍵字 軟體動物門腹足綱異鰓類盤螺總科異旋殼胚新科新屬新種菲律賓MOLLUSCAGASTROPODAHETEROBRANCHIAVALVATOIDEAVALVATIDAECORNIROSTRIDAEHYALOGYRINIDAEPROVALVATIDAEnew familynew genusnew speciesheterostrophic protoconchPhilippine
出刊日期 202401


異鰓類下異鰓類支序的盤螺總科中,棲於菲律賓深海之微小的絞線狀腹足綱動物,作者發表於洄螺科新科,洄螺屬新屬之兩個新種。鯨洄螺新種與白鯨洄螺新種具有大而隆起的異旋殼胚;殼寬5.2至5.8毫米,大於其餘海生盤螺總科物種最大2.6毫米之殼寬。洄螺科 新科MARISVALVATIDAE n. fam。洄螺屬 新屬Marisvalvata n. gen。鯨洄螺 新種Marisvalvatakohola n. sp.,正模式標本NMNS-008783-014。白鯨洄螺 新種Marisvalvatapalaoa n. sp.,正模式標本NMNS-008783-015。正模式標本存放國立自然科學博物館。


Small skeneimorph gastropods of VALVATOIDEA under the Lower HETEROBRANCHIA are found from deep water of the Philippines. Two new species in one new genus are assigned to MARISVALVATIDAE n. fam.. Marisvalvata kohola n. sp. and Marisvalvata palaoa n. sp. have a large and elevated heterostrophic protoconch and a shell width of 5.2 mm to 5.8 mm, which are large than the maximal width of 2.6 mm in the rest marine VALVATOIDEA species.
