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篇名 從中醫觀點看長者功能評估量表與健康促進之應用
卷期 71:1
並列篇名 ICOPE Evaluations and Promoting Health in Older Adults: A Chinese Medicine Perspective
作者 蔡淑芬
頁次 029-035
關鍵字 長者功能評估量表中醫陰陽五行治未病健康促進Integrated Care for Old People Chinese medicineYin Yang and the five elementsdisease preventionhealth promotionMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 202402
DOI 10.6224/JN.202402_71(1).05


「長者功能評估量表」(Integrated Care for Old People)是世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)提出的長者身心功能整合式評估,包含認知功能、行動能力、營養、視力、聽力、憂鬱等六大面向。本文旨在闡述從中醫觀點看老化,以既有的陰陽五行概念,解讀「長者功能評估量表」六大面向與中醫五臟:肝、心、脾、肺、腎之生理、虛證等關聯,並且提出導入黃帝內經「治未病」的預防觀念,與現今公共衛生三段預防概念相應,可應用在長者健康促進、延緩衰老,維持其生活品質。


The Integrated Care for Old People (ICOPE) guidelines were developed by the World Health Organization. These guidelines address functional abilities in older adults in six intrinsic capacity domains, including cognitive decline, limited mobility, malnutrition, visual impairment, hearing loss, and depressive symptoms with the goal of improving their assessment and management. In this article, aging is interpreted from the perspective of Chinese medicine and guided by the theory of Yin Yang, the five elements, the six ICOPE domains, and the five organs (liver, heart, spleen, lungs, and kidneys). Huang Di Nei Jing's concept of disease prevention is proposed in a manner that corresponds to the three-stage preventive public health strategy for promoting health, delaying the effects of aging, and improving quality of life in older adults.
