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篇名 婦癌婦女症狀困擾、社會支持、靈性安適與生活品質之相關性研究
卷期 71:1
並列篇名 Symptom Distress, Social Support, Spiritual Well-Being, and Quality of Life Among Women With Gynecologic Cancer
作者 洪映廷葉月珍孫嘉玲
頁次 060-071
關鍵字 婦癌生活品質症狀困擾社會支持靈性安適gynecological cancersquality of lifesymptom distresssocial supportspiritual well-beingMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 202402
DOI 10.6224/JN.202402_71(1).08




方法:橫斷式相關性研究設計,於台中某醫學中心進行收案,共招募91位符合收案條件之婦癌婦女進行問卷調查,問卷包括:人口學特性、台灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷、症狀困擾量表中文修訂版、簡式中文版社會支持量表及靈性安適量表,以SPSS 26.0之皮爾森積差相關、逐步複迴歸分析進行統計檢定。




Background: Women with gynecological cancers experience physical and mental distress due to their diagnosis, surgery, adjuvant chemotherapy, and radiotherapy, all of which have adverse physical, mental, social, and spiritual impacts on their quality of life.

Purpose: This study was designed to examine the correlations among symptom distress, social support, spiritual well-being, and quality of life as well as the predictors of quality of life in women with gynecological cancers.

Methods: This was a cross-sectional correlational study. A total of 91 women with gynecologic cancer were recruited from a medical center in central Taiwan. A demographic characteristics questionnaire, the World Health Organization Quality of Life Brief Questionnaire Taiwanese version, the Chinese Modified Symptom Distress Scale, the Chinese Simplified Social Support Scale, and the Spiritual Well-Being Scale were used for data collection. Correlation and multiple regression analyses were performed on the data.

Results: Symptom distress was found to correlate negatively with spiritual well-being as well as with the physical health, psychological health, and environmental health domains of quality of life. Social support and spiritual well-being were found to correlate positively with all four domains of quality of life. Social support was identified as the main predictor of quality of life.

Conclusions/ Implications for Practice: Symptom distress, social support, and spiritual well-being should be incorporated into nursing education to improve medical staff awareness of these issues and promote the timely evaluation of patient needs. Moreover, medical staff should provide appropriate social and spiritual support and multi-disciplinary care as well as make referrals when necessary to related support groups to improve clinical care quality to enhance patient quality of life.
