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篇名 形式語言與自然語言的邏輯-談殷海光《邏輯新引》
卷期 61:4
並列篇名 Formal Language and Natural Language: On Yin Hai-Kuong's New Introduction to Logic
作者 鄧敦民
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 殷海光邏輯新引形式語言自然語言Yin Hai-KuongNew Introduction to LogicFormal LanguageNatural LanguageMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202312




In this paper, I critically discuss a passage from Yin Hai-Kuong's New Introduction to Logic, which concerns what he calls 'disjunctive inferences'. Based on a four-fold classification of the formal conditions of disjunctive sentences, Yin investigates into the valid and invalid patters of inference involving disjunction. However, while the distinction between the 'inclusive or' and the 'exclusive or' is quite standard, Yin makes a parallel distinction between the 'exhaustive' and the 'non-exhaustive' conditions for disjunctive sentences and tries to draw some parallel conclusions about their validity. This part is somewhat difficult to follow. I suspect that this is due to the informal, dialectical style of New Introduction to Logic, which discusses validity and invalidity entirely for sentences in the natural language. Without introducing a formal language with a separable formal semantics, it is difficult to define validity in a crystal clear way that avoids all potential confusions. The contrast between the natural language and the formal languages is therefore very crucial for logical inquiries, or so I argue.
