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篇名 印尼噹嘟樂的政治想像與文化衝突
卷期 61:4
並列篇名 The Political Imagination and Cultural Conflict Brought about by Indonesian Dangdut Music
作者 吳思緯
頁次 019-066
關鍵字 噹嘟樂政治符號新秩序伊斯蘭復興在地全球化DangdutPolitical SymbolNew OrderIslamic RenewalLogloblizationMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202312




This article reviews Dangdut's impact on the competition and cooperation between Indonesian politics and culture, and it analyzes the context and changes of its censorship system longitudinally in time sequence. And uses databases such as Asian Barometer Survey, World Value Survey, Google Trends, and Geographic Information System for verification, and analyzes the political imagination and cultural conflicts of Dangdut in different eras in Indonesia. Finding out that the image construction of political symbol is expressed in the modernity characteristics of the music style in a certain period, which may become the object of postmodern reform in the next period: a folk art that was initially too vulgar might eventually become a mainstream pop music style in the market in the next period; a mainstream pop music style in the market in one period might eventually become a symbol of non-mainstream democratization and religious political reform that was seen as challenging the mainstream in the next period; a symbol of non-mainstream democratization and religious political reform that was seen as challenging the mainstream in the previous period might become an overly avant-garde erotic taboo in the next period; an erotic taboo that was regarded as too avant-garde in the previous period might eventually become a logloblized commercial market approach that also served as a national symbol of the next period.
