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篇名 西班牙自營作業者法 對我國勞動保護制度之啟示
卷期 61:4
並列篇名 The Self-Employed Workers Statute in Spain and its Inspiration for Taiwan
作者 辛昀浩
頁次 067-149
關鍵字 經濟依賴型自營作業者自營作業者法個別勞動權利社會保障集體協商Economically Dependent Self-Employed WorkerSelf-Employed Workers StatuteIndividual Labor RightsSocial ProtectionCollective BargainingMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202312




With the development of business models and the innovative method of using human resources, labor patterns have become increasingly diverse and complex, causing issues such as the identification of workers' employment status, the necessity of labor protection, and approaches to providing protection have drawn the attention from all walks of life. Nevertheless, there are differences in opinions from all walks of life. At present, the existing labor laws in Taiwan mainly focus on protecting employee rights; in terms of those who are not employees, protection provided for them never seems sufficient and almost focuses on ''occupational safety and health'' and ''social security.'' Nowadays, the idea of creation of an intermediate type of labor between employee and self-employed workers have been gradually accepted by the academia, the executive authority, and legislators. Since many countries have extended labor protection by creating a new employment status known as the economically dependent worker, this approach to enlarging labor protection is feasible. Among them, Spanish legislators considered that such workers have the exact needs for protection despite being unable to be classified as employees and thus created the new employment status of economically dependent self-employed workers by enacting the self-employed workers' statute. This law provided comprehensive protection covering the fundamental labor rights, individual labor conditions, collective labor rights, and social security. Through literature analysis, this article suggests that many regulations in Spain have high reference value and are worth learning, especially the following five dimensions are rather more enlightening: 1. An apparent reason for contract termination and the responsibilities of the service receiver to terminate the contract without justified reasons; 2. The right to be non-discrimination and privacy; 3. Stipulation of a written contract requirement to identify employment status and administrative management of such workers; 4.The explicit regulations of the three fundamental labor rights; 5. Protection for the economic security of workers whom involuntary suspending economic activities.
