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篇名 李光地、李清馥祖孫與明末清初 閩地朱子學的鄉里實踐
卷期 61:4
並列篇名 Li Guang-di, Li Qing-fu and practices of Cheng-Zhu school of Confucianism in Fujian in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties
作者 王一樵
頁次 150-191
關鍵字 朱子學閩學李光地李清馥閩中理學淵源考Cheng-Zhu School of ConfucianismMinxueLi Guang-diLi Qing-fuMin zhong li xue yuan yuan kaoMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202312




In this study, I will focus on the tradition of the intellectual history of the Minxue which was represented by the local elites of the Fujian area. This article will focus on Li Guang-di(1642-1718), Li Qing-fu(1703-?) and their inherited academic and intellectual traditions. In this research, I try to use various local historical documents, and discuss the intellectual history which focus on the academic tradition of Minxue. Firstly, this academic study intends to reinterpret Li Guang-di, Li Qing-fu practice of Neo-Confucianism in Fujian area in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Secondly, I will discuss the development of Neo- Confucianism in Fujian area and the evolution process of its localization through various approaches. Li Guang-di and his grandson Li Qing-fu played an important role in this process. The importance of the two generations of Li is that they provide a perspective based on local academics, trying to compile the ideas of Cai Qing, Chen Chēn, Lin Xi-yuan and others since the mid- Ming Dynasty into a single academic tradition. Finally, in this essay, we will discuss the formation of the transforms and practices of Li Guang-di's various Neo-Confucianism thoughts, discussed in detail its important position in the evolution of their intellectual thought and the process of transformation of Neo- Confucianism. Through those materials, we can find out there have a kind of intellectual transmit and their own historical process of Neo-Confucianism in Fujian area during the Fifteenth to Eighteenth Century.
