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篇名 在「正確」國際路線下的革命: 中共六屆四中全會前後的黨內忠誠問題
卷期 61:4
並列篇名 Revolution Under The "Correct" International Line: The Issue of Loyalty Within the Party Before and After the Fourth Plenary Session of The Sixth Central Committee of The Chinese Communist Party
作者 林威杰
頁次 192-256
關鍵字 中共六屆四中全會國際路線黨內忠誠叛變轉變The Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee of the CCPInternational RoutesLoyaltyMutinySurrenderMEDLINETHCITSSCI
出刊日期 202312




The Communist International plays an important role in the Chinese revolution. Therefore, how to carry out the revolution under the "correct" international line has become the direction that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been following. The Fourth Plenary Session of the Sixth Central Committee has a certain degree of influence in the history of the CCP. This was an attempt to retake power from the Chinese Party in Moscow after the establishment of the Third Route. The main purpose of the session was to bring Wang Ming and others to the leadership position. The rise of the internationalists not only failed to bring about a "revolutionary climax", but instead triggered a crisis of contradictions within the party. A large number of Communist Party members were arrested one after another. They did not choose to "sacrifice for the cause" or "choose death before disgrace" as Marx believers did. Instead, they seek refuge with the "class enemy" Kuomintang, which severely damaged the leadership of the CCP Central Committee.
