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篇名 天命與天分──試就班彪〈王命論〉與劉卲〈英雄篇〉論帝王與英雄之定位
卷期 34
並列篇名 Destiny vs. Talent:Analysis on the Positioning of Emperors and Heroes from Ban Biao’s Treatise on the Mandate of Kings and Liu Shao’s Episode of the Hero
作者 吳惠玲
頁次 057-102
關鍵字 〈王命論〉《人物志》帝王英雄Treatise on the Mandate of KingsRecords of Personagesemperorhero
出刊日期 202309




Emperors and heroes are always considered as extraordinarily rare elites; moreover, they are often the key figures who rewrite history. Having observed the historical events of the decay of Qin Dynasty followed by the rise of Han Dynasty, Ban Biao and Liu Shao had analytical discourses about the founding emperor Liu Bong, and the major contributors, such as Chang Liang and Han Shin. Yet, these two scholars’ viewpoints were not quite the same. In Treatise on the Mandate of Kings, Ban Biao saw Liu Bong as an emperor chosen by destiny so that Liu could hold the imperial throne and govern the kingdom. Nevertheless, those less favored heroes like Chang Liang and Han Shin could be only statesmen doing their duties. In fact, the accomplishments of emperors and heroes were unchangeably decided by destiny. Liu Shao, in his Records of Personages: Episode of the Hero, viewed Liu Bong, Chang Liang and Han Shin as heroes. The reason why Liu Bong turned into an emperor while Chang Liang and Han Shin remained statesmen was the inborn talents, especially the amount of intelligence. Emperors and statesmen were all heroes; however, accomplishment levels were unchangeably decided by temperance and intelligence. Both Ban Biao and Liu Shao revealed the thought of determined destiny; one focused on destiny, while the other, temperance (Chi). For Ban Biao, emperors and heroes were two distinctively different types which cannot go beyond each other. But, for Liu Shao, emperors and heroes were the same type of people whose accomplishment levels were decided by talents and temperance (Chi). Exploring the two masterpieces from the perspective of destiny and talents, this essay will analyze the positioning of emperors and heroes respectively defined by Ban Biao and Liu Shao.
