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篇名 求道與體道:從「道德幸福」見荀子「幸福觀」及其與「孔顏之樂」的思想聯繫
卷期 34
並列篇名 The Pursuit of the Dao and the Embodiment of the Dao: Xunzi’s Perspective on “Happiness” and its Connection to the Thoughts on “The Joy of Confucius and Yan Hui”
作者 謝昀儒
頁次 149-202
關鍵字 孔子顏回荀子德福一致孔顏之樂ConfuciusYenhuiXunziConformance in Morality and BlessednessThe Joy of Confucius and Yan Hui
出刊日期 202309




The study explores Xunzi’s ideas in two phases. In the first phase, the significance of forming morality through learning is shown in the saying “To be noble and not lowly, to be intelligent and not foolish, and to be rich and not poor.” in Xunzi (《荀子》). By achieving morality through learning in the ideas of Xunzi, a man’s morality in his cultivation is correlated with intrinsic blessedness, which exists at the level of a spiritual realm and varies from extrinsic blessedness by definition of the Chinese character “福” in pre-Qin dynasties. In the next phase, the pattern of achieving morality through learning in Xunzi’s ideas also shares cross references with the saying “With learning, emolument may be found in it.” in Confucius’s perspectives. The issue in the properties of learning also reveals that Xunzi’s ideas above implicitly include the possibilities concerning Confucianism (ideas of Confucius and Yenhui), in which Xunzi and Confucianism both share same views in the joy of spiritual realm. In short, the study first sheds light on Xunzi’s ideas of blessedness sphere and examines Xunzi’s ideas in the development of Confucianism via the dimension of joy in practicing Confucianism.
