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篇名 漢唐間的徵文主義――兼與冨谷至先生商榷
卷期 72
並列篇名 Study of “Zhengwen Zhuyi” during the Han and Tang Dynasties: Some Academic Problems with Prof. Itaru Tomiya’s Account
作者 劉可維
頁次 293-329
關鍵字 徵文司法制度〈斷獄律〉〈獄官令〉判文“Zhengwen”judicial systemthe Code of Judgments and Prison Sentencesthe Prison Officer Statutesjudgement documentTHCITSCI
出刊日期 202312
DOI 10.6253/ntuhistory.202312_(72).0005




Itaru Tomiya addressed the concept of “Zhengwen Zhuyi” 徵文主義 in his article “Norms of Adjudication and Norms of Conduct: From the Han Statutes to the Tang Criminal Code,” which pertains to citations of criminal code 律 and administrative statutes 令 as the basis for judicial decisions. Tomiya argues that the judicial system in the Han dynasty had a strong “Zhengwen Zhuyi” tendency, while in the Tang dynasty this tendency had weakened considerably. Tomiya’s study examines the evolution of legal concepts and judicial practices between Han and Tang dynasties, and his conclusion bears great significance. However, after empirically reexamining the development of “Zhengwen Zhuyi” between the Han and Tang dynasties, the present author has reached an understanding that differs completely from Tomiya’s conclusion in “Norms of Adjudication and Norms of Conduct.” First, although there was a phenomenon of citing the relevant Han criminal code in judicial documents during the Han dynasty, the citations at that time was very arbitrary, and such citations were not a necessary factor for making judicial judgment. Secondly, during the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties, the institutionalization of “Zhengwen Zhuyi” became increasingly apparent. It was during the Northern dynasty in particular that the “Zhengwen” system began to be widely used in judicial practice. Finally, by promulgating the article that “All criminal sentences must cite a formal provision from the Code, Statutes, Regulations, or Ordinances” 「斷罪引律令格式」 in the Code of Judgments and Prison Sentences <斷獄律>, the Tang court clarified that whenever a criminal judgment is made, the relevant formal law must be cited. And, it also promulgates the article that “All departments must comply the formal provisions of the Code, Statutes, Regulations, or Ordinances when making judgments” 「諸司斷事, 悉依律令格式正文」in the Prison Officer Statutes <獄官令>, to ensure the implementation of “Zhengwen” system in administrative procedures. By this point, “Zhengwen” had surpassed the level of a concept and become a judicial system based on the legal system. Numerous judicial judgment documents from the Tang dynasty further corroborate the application of the “Zhengwen” system in practice. To conclude, the present article shows that during the Han and Tang dynasties, the “Zhengwen” system was continuously improved, and the relevant concept was concomitantly strengthened.
