
清華學報 THCI

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篇名 達觀博物:《山海經.五藏山經》的感官認識及其覺知記述
卷期 54:1
並列篇名 Expansive Vision and Broad Learning: Sensory Epistemology and Descriptive Awareness in The Classic of Mountains and Seas: The Mountains Volume 1-5
作者 李松駿
頁次 061-101
關鍵字 感官覺知博物《山海經》sensesperceptionbroad learningThe Classic of Mountains and SeasTHCI
出刊日期 202403
DOI 10.6503/THJCS.202403_54(1).0002




Previous studies of The Classic of Mountains and Seas have advanced diverse views on the symbolic function of the body as a linguistic symbol with respect to cultural philosophy. However, in terms of the dissemination of myths, theories related to the corporeal senses have been less frequently discussed. From the perspective of the propagation of myths, there has been a relative lack of "sensory" theory based on physical action, making it difficult to deeply understand the cognitive occurrence or transition between the "creator and receiver" in myths as well as the process through which they built a shared consciousness. This study aims to review and re-examine sensory epistemology and awareness in the information systems in The Classic of Mountains and Seas: The Mountains Volume 1-5 from the perspective of cognition. It also makes an effort to shed light on themes such as observation, onomatopoeia and tastes in food and clothing, which reveal the meaning of sensory perception based in human action and subjectivity along with their critical role in the formation of broad learning.
