
清華學報 THCI

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篇名 莊子向左轉?-對於汪暉的章太炎詮釋的再思考
卷期 54:1
並列篇名 Did Zhuangzi Turn Left?: Re-evaluating Wang Hui's Analysis of Zhang Taiyan
作者 蔡岳璋
頁次 141-174
關鍵字 汪暉郭象章太炎《齊物論釋》齊物平等Wang Hui 汪暉Guo Xiang 郭象Zhang Taiyan 章太炎Interpreting the Qiwulun 齊物論釋the equality of thingsTHCI
出刊日期 202403
DOI 10.6503/THJCS.202403_54(1).0004




Wang Hui 汪暉, the prominent figure of China's New Left, once refined the concept of the "equality of things" as interpreted in Zhang Taiyan's 章太炎 (1869-1936) Interpreting the Qiwulun 齊物論釋. Wang's refinement involved a high level of theoretical expansion, and he endowed this concept with important socialist principles. This study seeks to relativize Wang Hui's materialist philosophical interpretation of Interpreting the Qiwulun through an analysis of Zhuangzi's and Zhang Taiyan's explanation of substance-function theory (tiyong lun 體用論), their conceptions of language and their theories of self-cultivation. This study also reveals how Guo Xiang's 郭象 (c. 252-312) traditional interpretation of classicism laid the groundwork for Wang Hui's materialism.
