
公共行政學報(政大) CSSCITSSCI

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篇名 論資料分析在政府Web 2.0網站治理中的角色定位
卷期 65
並列篇名 A Study on the Positioning of Data Analytics in Government Web 2.0 Governance
作者 張巧函
頁次 041-076
關鍵字 Web 2.0社群媒體數位政府社群媒體分析網站治理Web 2.0social mediaE-governmentsocial media analysisWebsite governanceTSSCI
出刊日期 202309
DOI 10.30409/JPA.202309_(65).0002


我國公部門大約從2010年以後開始投入Web 2.0社群媒體經營,但外界對於政府經營社群媒體存在不少質疑,如預算過高、成效不彰等問題。相較於企業如Amazon等成功運用數據分析和社群媒體運營取得成果,政府機關在經營社群媒體時,缺乏清晰的目標定位,也未能有效運用社群媒體資料分析制定適切策略。本文訪談8位負責管理機關Facebook網站的臺北市政府公務員,深入探討現今政府機關經營社群媒體的目標、策略、資料分析應用概況,以及政府機關應該如何「獲得」資料分析能力,以做好社群媒體網站治理的工作。本文也針對政府機關從事社群媒體網站治理的問題現況,給予具體的實務建議,包含:(一)建立明確的社群媒體治理目標;(二)重視資料分析能力,拓展多元化的社群媒體經營策略;(三)培養公務員對資料分析的專業素養,避免過度依賴業務委外。本文希望透過文獻理論回顧及深度訪談,檢視政府機關在網站治理實務中潛在的真實問題,並提出可行的解決策略。


Our government departments have been operating social media since around going back to 2010. However, many doubts abound about the government's social media operations, such as its high budgets and ineffectiveness. Compared to companies like Amazon that have successfully utilized data analysis and social media operations to achieve results, government departments lack clear objectives in managing social media and have not been able to effectively use social media data analysis to formulate appropriate strategies. This study interviews 8 Taipei City government departments with Facebook website operations. It delves into the current objectives, strategies, and data analysis applications of government agencies in managing social media, as well as how government agencies should "acquire" data analysis capabilities to effectively govern social media websites. This study also provides practical suggestions for the current issues faced by government departments in managing social media websites, including: (1) establish clear social media governance objectives; (2) value data analysis capabilities and developing diversified social media management strategies; (3) cultivate civil servants' professional competence in data analysis to avoid over-reliance on outsourcing. Through literature review and in-depth interviews, this study aims to examine the potential real problems faced by government agencies in website governance and propose feasible solutions.
