
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 十九大之後中共涉港體系的機構調整與人事調動:以組織路線確保政治路線的實現
卷期 66:4
並列篇名 Adjustments in China’s Party-State Apparatus on Hong Kong Affairs after 2017: Implementing the Political Line via Organizational Measures
作者 寇健文賴聖雅
頁次 001-047
關鍵字 香港一國兩制港澳領導小組香港中聯辦港澳辦Hong Kongone countrytwo systemsCentral Leading Group on Hong Kong and Macau AffairsLiaison Office in Hong KongHong Kong and Macau Affairs OfficeTSSCI
出刊日期 202312
DOI 10.30389/MCS.202312_66(4).0001




In its 19th National Congress report in October 2017, the Chinese Communist Party proposed “comprehensive jurisdiction” over Hong Kong and imposed “constitutional responsibility” on the Hong Kong government. What organizational and personnel adjustments have been made in China’s party-state apparatus on Hong Kong affairs since then? Although recent literature on Hong Kong has addressed changes in the regime’s Hong Kong policy, there is little systematic discussion of how the CCP implements its policies through institutional and personnel adjustments. This article aims to fill this gap. The article finds that the CCP has adopted the organizational line of “strengthening centralized and unified leadership” to implement the new political line of “total control”. This organizational line is reflected in three trends: “strengthening the vertical chain of command”, “building a new national security system for Hong Kong”, and “weakening internal promotion considerations for personnel arrangements in Hong Kong-related departments”. As centralization of power is the most important feature of Chinese politics in the Xi Jinping era, what this article finds in the Hong Kong-related system reflects the CCP’s inertia in facing environmental challenges during Xi’s era.
