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篇名 社會工作人員復元之相關因素初探:以增強權能和生活滿意為例
卷期 17:2
並列篇名 An Exploratory Study on the Correlates of Social Workers' Recovery: Empowerment and Life Satisfaction
作者 宋麗玉
頁次 125-180
關鍵字 社會工作復元靈性中庸思維增強權能生活滿意social workrecoveryspiritualityGolden-mean thinkingempowermentlife satisfactionEconLit
出刊日期 202312
DOI 10.30401/RSS.202312_17(2).0003




Existing studies have confirmed that social workers are prone to burnout, which can affect a wide range of areas, including insomnia, depression, etc. Nevertheless, they might also experience "recovery." This study aimed to explore the factors that affect social workers' recovery under work stress, with a particular focus on the two indicators of recovery outcomes: empowerment and life satisfaction. Based on the "Unity Model" and referring to existing research, the independent variables will focus on exploring the influence of "spirituality" and the "Golden-mean thinking." In addition, "seniority", "harmony", "self-esteem", "resilience", and "organizational support" were included as control variables. The study subjects were those who have held full-time social work positions for more than one year, including social workers, supervisors, and directors. Through an online survey, 484 usable data were collected. The regression analyses revealed that the model was significant, and explained 63.9% and 52.2% of the variances in empowerment and life satisfaction, respectively. Work stress exerted a negative effect on the dependent variables. The internal resources could facilitate recovery, with self-esteem being the most important factor, spirituality the second, and Golden-mean thinking the third. Resilience had a significant effect only on empowerment. The findings imply the importance of self-care and organization in facilitating social workers’ recovery.
