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篇名 硫氰酸胍添加劑在高性能無電洞傳輸層錫鉛鈣鈦礦太陽能電池中的應用前景
卷期 71:1
作者 朱紋嫻吳東泰林玠廷
頁次 012-018
出刊日期 202402
DOI 10.29803/CE.202402_71(1).0003


有機-無機混合鈣鈦礦太陽能電池因其低成本和高光電性能而被視為可再生能源的有力候選者。儘管以鉛為基礎的鈣鈦礦在效能上有所突破,但它們未能達到Shockley-Queisser(S-Q)極限所定義的理想能隙。相對而言,混合錫鉛鈣鈦礦更接近這一最佳範圍。我們的研究旨在通過添加硫氰酸胍來優化這些混合錫鉛鈣鈦礦電池。這一添加劑帶來了多方面的性能提升,包括晶粒尺寸的增加和由於缺陷而引起的非輻射復合的減少。光致發光(PL)和時間相關單光子計數(TCSPC)測試進一步證實了載流子壽命的顯著提升,達到了11.95 μs。更重要的是,這些改進導致了光電轉換效率從13%提高到了21%。此外,這些改良型電池在氮氣環境下的穩定性也有所提升。總體而言,這項研究不僅推動了混合錫鉛鈣鈦礦太陽能電池技術的發展,還加強了其在高效串聯太陽能電池中的應用潛力。


Organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite solar cells are a promising avenue for renewable energy, known for their low cost and high optoelectronic performance. While lead-based perovskites have made strides in efficiency, they fall short of the ideal energy gap defined by the Shockley-Queisser (S-Q) limit. Mixed tin-lead perovskites, however, come closer to this optimal range. Our study aimed to optimize these mixed Sn-Pb perovskite solar cells by optimizing the concentration of GaSCN additives. This addition yielded multiple benefits, including increased grain size and reduced non-radiative recombination in perovskite films. Photoluminescence (PL) and Time-Correlated Single Photon Counting (TCSPC) tests confirmed a significant improvement in carrier lifetime, reaching 11.95 microseconds. Importantly, these enhancements translated into a leap in photovoltaic power conversion efficiency (PCE) from 13% to 21%. Additionally, the devices with GaSCN additive showed improved stability in nitrogen atmospheres. Overa II, this research not only contributes to the advancement of mixed tin-lead perovskite solar cell technology but also strengthens its potential for use in high-efficiency tandem solar cells.

