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篇名 出於一歸於一的終末論
卷期 48
並列篇名 The Eschatological Model of "Out of The One-Return to The One"
作者 李麗娟
頁次 041-071
關鍵字 時間歷史終末幸福timehistoryeschatonbliss/happinessthe one
出刊日期 202112




After the scientific revolution the quantitative, linear view of time/history has become the main paradigm of eschatology in Christian theology. But from the initial period of church to medieval the focus of eschatology was not on the questions of "when?" and "what will be the phenomena of last things?" The comprehension of time/history at these epochs was more about quality. Eschatology was from the cosmological view "out of the One-return to the One" to develop and to fulfill. In this article it will discuss the eschatological model of "out of the One-return to the One" from Peri Archon (De principii) of Origenes, Confessiones and De civitate dei of Augustin and Monologion of Anselm of Canterbury. And from there to reflect on the application of this eschatological view in Christian lives.
