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篇名 范浩沙的主要神學關懷
卷期 48
並列篇名 The Theological Concern of Kevin Vanhoozer
作者 陳之虎
頁次 073-111
關鍵字 范浩沙聖經解釋詮釋神學保羅.利科作門徒Kevin Vanhoozerbible interpretationhermeneutical theologyPaul Ricoeurdiscipleship
出刊日期 202112


本文的目的是討論范浩沙的神學關懷,從而勾畫他的神學藍圖。首先,范浩沙認定基督教神學的基礎在於解釋聖經,因而要確立對聖經文本的正確詮釋態度。任何文本詮釋都必須依據作者在文本所進行的溝通行動來詮釋,基督教認定上帝是聖經的最終作者,上帝藉聖經、且在聖經中跟屬他的子民說話,因而基督徒依據上帝這溝通行動來詮釋聖經是至為重要的。其後,范浩沙發展建基於三一上帝觀的聖經論,目的是要建立一種由解釋聖經而來的神學。神學的目標不僅是建立知識,更是指引門徒對上帝溝通行動的回應,帶來門徒生命的實踐。為此,范浩沙借助於利科詮釋哲學的模型,如何藉由詮釋文本帶來個體存有生命的更新;同理,基督徒藉著解釋聖經,也可以更新、改變對當下世界的理解,發現從上帝的神聖實在而來的種種可能。有別於利科的是,范浩沙強調帶動這種改變的並不是文本文字的啟示力量,全是三一上帝藉他的話語和理解的靈而來對門徒的塑造工作。最後,范浩沙神學研究的根本提問是「甚麼是基督教遵照聖經的意義?」。基督徒以解釋聖經建構存有,藉聖經世界所倡議的方式來看待事物和生命,來過活,因而成為一「聖經式的存有」(biblical being)。


This paper is aimed at articulating the theological project of Kevin Vanhoozer. First, Vanhoozer acknowledges the Christian tradition that bible is a mode of God's communicative presence, and triune God speaks in and through the Scriptures. For this, Christian interpretations of the Scripture must follow in accordance with these divine communicative actions, in turn Christian theology is the hermeneutical works for this divine communications. Second, Vanhoozer stresses that the goal of theology is not merely to acquire knowledge but rather to cultivate disciples so that they are able to display in daily practice the mind of Christ, which is God's purpose of using the Scripture. For this, Vanhoozer comes to Paul Ricoeur's philosophical hermeneutics that how one's being can be transformed through the world of the text. In the same way, Christian life can be transformed and renewed through the divine reality displayed in and through the Scripture. Different with Ricoeur, Vanhoozer emphasizes the success of this life transformation work is not come by the revelatory power of the text but solely by the work of the Spirit of understanding. Last, the key question of Vanhoozer's theological project is all about what it means "to be biblical" for Christianity. For a disciple, "to be biblical" is to become a "biblical being" displaying a form of life cultivated by the divine communicative works in and through the Scripture.
