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篇名 從三一論角度看人論的神學詮釋:約翰.加爾文與尤根.莫特曼的上帝形像觀之比較
卷期 48
並列篇名 A Theological Interpretation of Anthropology from the Perspective of the Trinity: A Comparative Study of John Calvin and Jürgen Moltmann on the Image of God
作者 鄭寶強
頁次 113-149
關鍵字 約翰.加爾文尤根.莫特曼上帝形像神學詮釋真實的人John CalvinJürgen Moltmannimage of Godtheological interpretationtruly human
出刊日期 202112


根據聖經啟示,人是按照上帝形像被造,為要彰顯上帝的榮耀。然而,在神人關係中上帝形像究竟如何呈現,到底是「人擁有上帝形像,可獨自地呈現上帝形像」,或者是「人擁有上帝形像,只在與上帝的關係中反映出上帝形像」?筆者主張回答這問題的關鍵,在於從上帝形像的源頭──三一上帝,來看承載上帝形像者──人,亦即必須從三一論角度來看人論。本文即從這個角度探討約翰.加爾文與尤根.莫特曼的上帝形像觀,以及二者之比較,而提出三個論點:第一,加爾文上帝形像觀以聖經為本詮釋上帝形像,提出「三一上帝以基督為中心的動態上帝形像觀」(the Christ centered triune dynamic perspectival image of God)。第二,莫特曼上帝形像觀藉由論述三一上帝國度的上帝形像,並解讀三一上帝創造的上帝形像,提出「社會三一休戚與共的上帝形像觀」(the solidarity of social Trinitarian image of God)。第三,從這兩種上帝形像觀的比較,可見認識真實的人在於認識上帝形像,人的尊嚴就在克服犯罪墮落所帶來活出上帝形像的障礙,並發展朝向未來的視野而期盼更新上帝形像。藉由整合加爾文與莫特曼上帝形像觀,本文主張三一上帝形像是人的真榮耀。如聖經啟示,聖父創造的人之上帝形像在犯罪墮落中毀形,在基督裡被復形,並透過聖靈得以更新的三一上帝形像,是人真正的榮耀。從三一上帝創造-拯救-完滿的工作來看,其終極目的是要在按照他形像被造的人身上榮耀他自己,顯示三一上帝形像與三一上帝的榮耀是相互關連的。


According to the Bible man was created in the image of God in order to manifest the glory of God. Yet, the question remains as to how this image should be presented in the context of the God-man relationship. Should it be "man has the image of God in him and he is able to display that image by himself" or "although man has the image of God in him, yet he is only able to display that image while in a relationship with God" ? I will argue that the key to an answer is in the Trinity as the source of the image of God in man. As such, one should study man, who was endowed with the image of God, from the perspective of the Trinity. It is from this perspective that this article seeks to present a comparative study of John Calvin and Jürgen Moltmann on the subject of the image of God. This article attempts to make three arguments or propositions. First, that the theological interpretation of Calvin on the image of God is based on biblical revelation and that "the Christ-centered triune dynamic perspectival image of God" is his conclusion. Second, in explicating Moltmann's theological interpretation of the image of God, to expound the image of God in the trinitarian kingdom of God and to explain the image of God as a creation of the triune God and then the "the solidarity of social trinitarian image of God" is proposed. Third, that from both Calvin and Moltmann's perspectives on the subject of the image of God, we can see that to know the real man is to know the image of God, and the dignity of man is in overcoming the obstacles of living out the image of God brought about by sin, and to develop a futuristic vision of hope that leads to a renewal of the image of God. By integrating Calvin's and Moltmann's image of God, this paper asserts that the imago Trinitatis is the true glory of man: that is according to the revelation of the Scriptures, the true glory of man is, in him created by the Father, destroyed in the fall of sin, restored in Christ and renewed through the Holy Spirit. The ultimate goal of the trinitarian work of creation-salvation-consummation is to glorify God himself in those created in His image. This shows that the imago Trinitatis and the glory of the Trinity are interrelated.
