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篇名 台灣基督長老教會宣教策略所帶來的泰雅爾教會的身分危機
卷期 48
並列篇名 Toward Resolving the Identity Crisis of Atayal Believers Resulting from Mission Practices in the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan
作者 羅以
頁次 151-174
關鍵字 泰雅爾教會夥伴關係僕人學更名策略台灣基督長老教會Atayal churchpartnershipservanthoodrenaming strategythe Presbyterian Church in Taiwan
出刊日期 202112




In the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) mission enterprise, partnership is a crucial ministerial strategy among the PCT's membership framework. The Taiwanese (ethnically Han) churches usually partner with indigenous churches by affording them benefits such as financial support and providing biblical as well as theological training programs. However, while partnering with each other, the indigenous churches, more precisely the Atayal churches, often critique the Taiwanese churches for lacking cultural sensitivity. Taiwanese Clergy, for example, often require Atayal Christians to reject their indigenous names in order to receive a new biblical name. This causes the Atayal to experience a crisis of identity, with many returning to their former shamanistic beliefs. In order to lessen the tension surrounding such partnerships, this paper attempts to address the current identity crisis among Atayal believers. It utilizes biblical principles pertaining to partnership, and reflects on how these affirm the Atayal cultural identity, which is necessary when engaging in missions with Taiwanese partners. This research will introduce a framework for cross-cultural competency with the concept of servanthood as a ministerial strategy.
