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篇名 落實職業安全衛生管理營造幸福企業
卷期 31:2
並列篇名 Happy Enterprise Based on a Safe and Healthy Working Environment
作者 李忞璇王漢珂蕭宇泰林純吉劉鴻文
頁次 083-094
關鍵字 馬斯洛需求層級理論企業社會責任幸福企業工作生活品質品牌形象Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs TheoryCorporate Social ResponsibilityHappy EnterpriseQuality of Life at WorkBrand ImageTSCI
出刊日期 202404




It is generally acknowledged that the goal of business administration is to create profits and wealth. However, the increasing extreme weather caused by climate change requires global business administrators to consider seriously in addition to the financial status of enterprises, the impact on society and the “natural environment”, but also to protect the rights and interests of all stakeholders affected by corporate decisions. Xu Wen-long, the “Father of Acrylic” who passed away on November 18, 2023, his philosophy in running CHIMEI Corporation is “The purpose of running a business is not to make money, but to benefit all people, including employees, customers and society to be happy”, which fulfilled the “Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR)”, and is ahead of the trend. CHIMEI Corporation is recognized as a “happy enterprise”. The corporation’s characteristics include emphasizing self-management, team spirit and team operation in organizational operations; it selflessly shares profits with the employees and encourages employees to treat work as their own careers; the salary and benefits are in line with Dividend shares are much higher than the colleague enterprises. The benefits for CHIMEI Corporation’s employees include free meals, late-night snacks, transportation, CHIMEI Museum, weekend concerts, and low-cost "Living Water Kindergarten." This article intends to explore how corporate administrations implement occupational safety and health management from the perspective of Maslow's "Hierarchy of Needs", thereby creating a safe, healthy, and happy working environment and providing specific reference.
