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篇名 範圍訂價、資源稀少性對消費者購買意願的影響
卷期 22:1
並列篇名 Range Offers, Resource Scarcity's Impact on Consumers' Purchasing Intention
作者 廖本哲鄒政翰
頁次 027-042
關鍵字 調節焦點理論資源稀少性範圍訂價regulatory focusresource scarcityrange offerspricing
出刊日期 202404




There are many factors that affect consumers' decision-making. In daily life, marketers often use different pricing to influence consumers’ decision. This study explores the impact of different pricing (single point pricing, range offers pricing) on consumers' purchase intention with different regulatory focus under the condition of scarcity of resources. The results obtained from the study: 1. Regardless of the existence of resource scarcity, promotion-oriented people will choose range offers products rather than single-priced products; prevention-oriented people will choose normal priced products rather than range offers products. 2. Promotion-oriented people will tend to choose bolstering range offers instead of normal/backward range pricing; prevention-oriented people will tend to choose normal/backward range offers products instead of s bolstering range offers products. Although the research results did not find the effect of resource scarcity, it still supports the impact of different pricing on promotion/prevention consumers. In marketing practice, marketers can choose a pricing model that suits them according to the regulatory focus of most consumers in the market.
