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篇名 如何提昇組織績效與獲利?WICS領導技能對組織績效與獲利之影響-組織幸福感之調節中介效果
卷期 22:1
並列篇名 How to Improve Organizational Performance and Profitability? The Effect of WICS Leadership Skills on Organizational Performance and Profitability: The Moderated Mediation Effect of Organizational Well-being
作者 魏晴秋
頁次 085-106
關鍵字 WICS領導技能組織幸福感激勵組織績效組織獲利WICS leadership skillorganizational well-beingmotivationorganizational performanceorganizational profit
出刊日期 202404




Nowadays, due to fierce competition and geopolitical influences, leaders are facing the dilemma of organizational performance and profitability EPS is becoming more and more difficult to achieve. This study explores the antecedent variable of the WICS leadership skills, attaches importance to employee motivation and gratitude, improves organizational performance and organizational profit, and takes the lead in exploring the moderated mediation effect of organizational well-being on this process. In this study, 50 companies were surveyed, and the results showed that the WICS leadership skills was significantly positively correlated with organizational performance, and the organizational performance fully mediated the WICS leadership skills and the organization's profit EPS. Furthermore, the moderated mediation effect found that organizational well-being not only positively moderated the WICS leadership skill, but also strengthened the mediating effect of organizational performance. Therefore, this study innovatively proposes that WICS leadership skills and organizational well-being may be used as an important management strategy to improve organizational performance and profitability. Finally, this study discusses theory and practice, and puts forward concrete and feasible suggestions for the future.
