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篇名 海事事故之求償研析-以長賜輪為例:蘇伊士運河管理局篇
卷期 31:2
並列篇名 Research and Analysis on Maritime Accident Claims - The Case of "Ever Given": From the Perspective of the Suez Canal Authority
作者 翁任慧
頁次 019-041
關鍵字 長賜輪擱淺事件蘇伊士運河管理局論時傭船海事求償船舶所有人責任限制船舶所有人責任保險Ever Given grounding incidentSuez Canal AuthorityTime charterMaritime claimsLimitation of liabilityProtection and indemnity insurance
出刊日期 202206




With high levels of specialization and the increasing number of stakeholders, the relationships among the players within the maritime shipping have become much more complex especially for giant freighters. When an accident occurs, the complicated legal relation further affects the following requested compensation. This article takes the "Ever Given" incident as an example to discuss the compensation linkages between the co-owners of the ship and the Suez Canal Authority. This article also explores the applicable maritime conventions and laws on the limitation of liability and P&I insurance for this incident.
