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篇名 離島海上旅客運送安全感知、安全認知與安全行為之研究
卷期 31:2
並列篇名 Safety Perception, Safety Cognition, and Safety Behavior of Offshore Island Passenger Transportation
作者 郭思瑜陳加哲吳力行
頁次 043-072
關鍵字 離島客運安全感知安全認知安全行為Offshore island transportationSafety perceptionSafety cognitionSafety behavior
出刊日期 202206




This study aims to investigate the safety perception, safety cognition, and safety behavior based on the perception of offshore island passenger transportation. Exploratory factor analysis was employed to extract seven factors: safety comfortable, additional services, safety cognition, dangerous knowledge, safety self-check, facility check, and safety knowledge. The results indicated that safety comfortable positively impacts facility check; additional services positively impact safety knowledge; safety cognition and dangerous knowledge positively influence safety self-check, facility check, and safety knowledge, respectively. The practical implications of the findings on safe transportation for carriers and governments are discussed.
