
Tamsui Oxford Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences Scopus

本期卷期 28:2
出刊日期 201205
刊期 季刊
ISSN 2222-4424
出版單位 真理大學數理資訊學院
出刊地 台灣
出刊語言 英文
發行狀態 繼續發行


This journal contains papers in pure and applied mathematics, mathematical statistics, and informati...

  • 本期卷期:28:2
  • 出刊日期:201205
序號 篇名 作者 關鍵詞 下載 收藏
1 Growth of Harmonic Functions in R D. Kumar Spherical harmonic coefficientsIntegral trans-formOrder and typeAnalytic function associate and harmonic functions in R
2 Hyers-Ulam-Rassias Stability of A Pexider Functional Equation In Non-Archimedean Spaces Hassan Azadi Kenary Hyers-Ulam stabilityNon-Archimedean normed spaces
3 New Some Hadamard's Type Inequalities for Co-ordinated Convex Functions Mehmet Zeki Sar、kayayand Erhan. Set、M. Emin Ozdemir、Sever S. Dragomir convex functionco-ordinated convex mappingHermite-Hadamard inequality
4 Solution of a Time-Space Fractional Diffusion Equation by Integral Transform Method V. B. L. Chaurasia、Jagdev Singh Fractional diffusion equationCaputo derivativeMittag-Leffler functionLaplace transformFractional Fourier transform
5 S-Antipodal Signed Graphs P. Siva Kota Reddyy、B. Prashanth Signed graphs, Marked graphsBalanceSwitchingAntipodal signed graphsS-Antipodal signed graphsComplementNegation
6 The Efficiency of Stratified Quartile Ranked Set Sampling in Estimating the Population Mean Mahmoud Ibrahim Syam、Kamarulzaman Ibrahim Simple random samplingRanked set samplingQuartile ranked set samplingStratified ranked set sampling
7 Note on Super-Halley Method and its Variants V. Kanwar、S. K. Tomar、Sukhjit Singh、Sanjeev Kum Newton’s methodHalley’s methodChebyshev-Halley type methodsMultiple zerosPower meansOrder of convergence
8 A Sharp General Ostrowski Type Inequality for Double Integrals Liu, Zheng Ostrowski type inequalityQuasi-midpoint inequal-ityQuasi-trapezoid inequalitySharp inequalityDouble integrals

