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篇名 The Frontier Poems of Chang Chi
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 台東師院舉報第九期民87年4月五十週年校慶專輯張籍的邊塞詩
作者 王萬象
頁次 365-406
關鍵字 frontier poetryexpedition and guardyueh - fu frontier generals and their conscriptsborder garrison邊塞詩征戊詩樂府邊防將士塞垣TSSCI
出刊日期 199806




Pien- sai shih" 邊塞詩(Frontier poetry) is one of the major motifs in T'ang poetry which covers “a range of attitudes from the eulogistic to the elegiac" in its thematic designation. T'ang frontier poetry contains a wealth of subject matters, not limited to the descriptions of the beacon fires on the frontier. Thereare several interesting topics that appeared in T'ang poets' collections: portrayals of frontier life and objects, eulogies of war victory, praises of patriotism,and infatuations between the conscripts and their longing wives. Besides, many frontier poets attempted to reveal the evils of war and social injustice. In particular, resentment against military service and forced labor was expressed in the works of mid-T'ang poets.
The paper will examine 19 frontier poems of Chang Chi張籍(ca.766-830) by tracing the origins of the “expedition and·guard " (征成)theme in pre - T'ang times. Of these poems, the most conspicuous are the works dealing with the frontier generals,their conscripts, and peassnts ravaged by incessant wars. In the main, Chang Chi's frontier poems are concerned with the hardships of war and garrison duties. To express his heartfelt sympathy for the soldiers and peassants, Chang Chi reflects the displacement and devastation of wartime in the frontier zones. By employing a plain yet refmed poetic language, Chang Chi is able to represent what the .frontier generals and soldiers have in mind upon seeing the cold and desolate scenery outside their military outposts.
