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篇名 李澤厚的五四史觀及其論爭:一個意識形態化歷史論述的觀察
卷期 9:1
並列篇名 Li Che-hou's Historical View on the May Fourth Movement and Its Disputes : An Observation of Ideologized Historical Discourse
作者 賴亮郡
頁次 431-455
關鍵字 李澤厚啟蒙救亡意識形態五四運動Li Che-houenlightmentnational salvationideologythe May Fourth MovementTSSCI
出刊日期 199806




In 1986, the PRC's scholar Li Che-hou published an article, reexamine the history of the May Fourth Movement from a self-reflexive angle. Liholds that the extensive reception of Marxism in China is an expression of the idea that the national salvation over-rides the enlightment. Because this view slightly differs from the official view, it has caused heated discussions among Mainland historians and cultural critics. However, the research of this paper has discovered that Li's new interpretation and his evaluative model greatly rationalize the militarily built Communist regime as having the revolutionary -mission of national salvation and its historical inevitability. Li's view has not gone beyond the Communist tradition of the ideologized perspective on historical discourse. And the criticisms on his view, whether from the official historians or dissidents, have not in fact escaped the shadow of Mao's theory of “Two-phaseDemocratic Revolution". Therefore these disputes, whether they are against Li' s model or revisions of his model, are in fact ideologized conflict but not academic debate, because they all unhistoricize the May Fourth Movement by decontextualizing it.
