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篇名 寬恕教育輔導方案對國小學童的寬恕態度影響之研究
卷期 39:3
並列篇名 The Effects of Forgiveness Education Guidance Program on Forgiveness Attitude of Elementary School Students
作者 林碧花吳金銅
頁次 435-449
關鍵字 寬恕教育輔導方案寬恕態度Forgiveness attitudeForgiveness education guidance programTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 200803




The purposes of the study was to examine the effects of a forgiveness education guidance program on the forgiveness attitude among six-qraders in elementary-school. The study quasi-experimental design was used in this study. After forgiveness education guidance program, they were given a posttest, 4 weeks later, they received the follow-up test. The instruments used included the Enright Forgiveness Inventory for children (EFI).With scores obtained in the pretest as covariation, the one-way ANCOVA was carried out for statistical analysis of quantity.The results indicate that:(1) The forgiveness education guidance program produces effects of immediate guidance and continuous guidance on enhancement the elementary school of senior students’ in the total“forgiveness attitude”.(2) The forgiveness education guidance program produces effects of immediate guidance and continuous guidance on enhancement the elementary school of senior students’ in the emotion “forgiveness attitude”. (3) For the senior students in the elementary school, the forgiveness education guidance program did not produce any immediate effect of guidance in the cognition “forgiveness attitude”, and it does have not the effect of continuous guidance. (4) For the senior students in the elementary school, the forgiveness education guidance program did t produce any immediate effect of guidance in the behavior “forgiveness attitude”., but it do have the effect of continuous guidance.
