
教育心理學報 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 大學生知覺其人際依附風格對愛情關係適應之影響
卷期 38:4
並列篇名 A Qualitative Study of the Attachment Styles and Their Influence on the Adjustment of Love Relationships
作者 王郁茗王慶福
頁次 397-415
關鍵字 人際依附風格愛情關係關係適應Attachment styleLove relationshipRelationship adjustmentTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 200706




In this study, we adopted the semi-structure in-depth interview method and recruited 18 unmarried young college students to inquire the research questions qualitatively. The inquired questions included (1) the perception of college students to their attachment styles; and (2) the perception of college students on the influence of their attachment styles to their love relationships. The contents of these in-depth interviews were qualitatively analyzed. Results of the content analysis indicated six types of attachment styles, including (1) introversive style, (2) alienated style, (3) open style, (4) autonomous style, (5) natural style and (6) wayward style. The positive influences of these attachment styles included the promotion of good communication, care for each other, self confidence, happiness, growth, autonomy, and good interaction. The negative influences were feeling burden, insecurity, conflict, stagnation, overdependence, and indulgence in each other. Results were discussed and compared in terms of theory of attachment styles and other empirical studies. The implication of these results for social culture in Taiwan was further discussed.
