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篇名 家長式領導對學校領導之啟示
卷期 63
並列篇名 Impacts of Paternalistic Leadership on School Leadership
作者 林志興
頁次 036-046
關鍵字 家長式領導學校領導paternalistic leadershipschool leadership
出刊日期 200909


東方國家長期受儒家的薰陶,強調父權思維的治理國家的方式,此思維引用在帶頓學校方面,稱之為家長式頓導(paternalisticleadership) ,換言之,校長使用家長式頓導來頓導學校,將集學校權力於一身,任何學校措施需經其批准後方可實施,因此東方與西方國家在民族性與風俗方面有頗多之差異,其中最明顯差異在於西方國家較常以民主機制處理問題,而東方國家人治的色彩非常濃厚。當校長扮演家長式頓導者時,會展現其威嚴的一面,亦視情況呈現其和藹、仁慈的一面,當然在其個人行事上更是需以身作則,成為教師的德行模範。所以西方與東方之校長頓導模式大異其趣。


Confucianism has been a powerful influence in Chinese communities, emphasizing the patriarchal way of ruling a country. Applied to school contexts, this kind of leadership is called paternalistic leadership. In other words, principals seem themselves as parents who are the only source of authority Every administration procedure will not be put into effect without principals' approval. As a result, there is a significant difference between the Western school leadership and the Asian school leadership in that schools in western countries appeal to democratic practices whereas those in Asian countries refer to the authorities. When princi- pals exercise paternal leadership, they demonstrate authoritative power and benevolent characters. This decision is made in accordance with situ- ations. Principals are role models of teachers.
This paper aims to discuss the aspects of paternalistic leadership and its implications on school leadership.
