
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 大同工學院七十學年度新生之體格與體能現況之研究
卷期 4
作者 張清龍
頁次 109-132
出刊日期 198212






三、本院新生之體能常模中,僅「立定跳遠」及「折返跑」較全國常模高,其餘如「50公跑」、「引體向上」、「1,000公尺跑」 、「立位體前屈」等四項則較低。建議有關單位再全面檢討我國青少年體能現況。





Thepresent research represents an attempt of to provide comprehensive information about the status of physique and physical fitness of the freshmen of Tatung Instituteof of Tatung Institute of Technology for the 1981 academic year.The provided in formation,it is hoped, will be of reference value for the physical education of Tatung Institute of technology as well as for the formation and training of the Institute's athletic teams.

This research has as its object of study the 235 male freshmen of Tatung Institute of Technology for the 1981 academic year. Using the methods given in "Tests on the Physical Fitness of the YOuth and Juveniles of Republic of china"(中華民國青少年體能測驗),tandardized tests were conducted on the physique,(including height, weight, and chest size) of each those students. An analytic and comparative study of the resuits of tests so conducted has led to the following conclusion:

1. Compared with other depaerments, the freshmen of the Departmentof Mechanical Engineering exhibit the best physique status. On the other hand, members of athletic teams are very significantly taller and stronger than nonmembers.

2. Significant differences are found to exist between the freshmen of different departments in the matter of physical fitness, with the Dipartment of Chemical Engineering is inferior to all other departments in tje exhibited status of physical fitness. On the other hand,members of athletic teams exhibit very significantly better physical fitness than non-members.

3. In "standing long jump" and "shuttle run",the freshmen of Tatung Institute of Techo=nology show a physical fitness that is higher than the national norm,but they show a lower than national norm physical fitness in such other items as "50-meter sprint","pullups","1000-meter run" and "trunk extension forward". In view of this,suggestion is made for the authories concerned to re-examine the current status of physical fitness of the youth and juvenilos of this country.

4.A low correlativity ( P < 0.05) is found between the height of a team member and his speed, power, and arm strength, while a high correlativity (P< 0.005) is found to exist between the team member's physique and his throwing capacity.

5. A significant valiadity (p< 0.05) can be attributed to the test of speed, power, gross body coordination and flexibility through the means of height, or its combination with weight and/or chest size.

6. Those who exhibit a balancedly-develo-ped physique or are tall and strong exhibit also a better physical fitness, while those of tall and lean physique or of excessive weight are foun to have been handicapped in one way or another in their development of physical fitness.

