
體育學報 TSSCI

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篇名 連續一週的密集等速離心訓練對肌肉損傷和發炎反應評估指標的影響
卷期 27
並列篇名 The Effects of Continuous Eccentric Isokinetic Training on the Indicators of Muscle Damage and Inflammatory Response
作者 陳忠慶
頁次 175-182
關鍵字 發炎反應介百素肌肉損傷inflammatory responseinterleukin muscle damageTSSCI
出刊日期 199906


本研究的目的在於探討從事連續一週的密集等遠離心訓練,對肌肉損傷和發炎反應評估指標的影響。方法:本研究是以22名大專健康體育系男性學生做烏受試對象,其平均年齡為19.3+ 0.9歲,體重66.2 + 4.2 'h斤,身高172.1士4.9 'h分,並以隨機分派的方式分成實驗組12名和控制組10名。在實驗的第一天開始,所有受試者須先接受一次抽血(分析CK、LDH、GOT、IL-lβ、IL-6 )、酸痛指數(MSI)、上臂園(CIR)、關節活動範園(ROM)和最大肌力(MIF)的測驗;之後,再使用Cybex6000的儀器將角速度設定 在每秒60度的情形之下,讓受試者做一回合30次的最大自主等遠離心收縮(MAX) ,使非慣用手的肢二頭肌產生肌肉損傷。在運動後,全部受試者立即接受一次CIR、ROM和品位F的測量(抽血則在第一天運動後的第2小時)。所有受試者須在第1天訓練後的第1- 7天,每天各接受一次MSI、CIR、 ROM、MIF的測量(實驗組的測驗均安排在每天訓練前) ;CK、LDH、 GOT 、IL-lβ、IL毛的分析,則在運動後的第3、4、6、7天(同時在第一天運動後的第3和6天訓練後的第2小時也加測IL-lβ、IL-6)。另外,實驗組受試者在運動後的第1-6天當中,每天須各再接受一回合最大自主的等遠離心訓練。結果顯示,除了IL-lβ和IL-6在組別上,有達到統計上的顯著水準之外(p<.05),其他的依變項僅在時間方面有達到顯著差異而已。結論:在第一天的離心訓練之後,雖然會引起很明顯的肌肉損傷,但在肌向損傷的情況還未發展至最明顯的階段之前(運動後48小時之前),繼續讓損傷的肌肉進行連續六天的自主性離心訓練時,可能並不會加重肌肉損傷的情形以及破壞人體的免疫能力。基此來看,肌肉損傷所引起的適應效果,可能在第1回合(天)運動後的24小時之內即已產生,以致於在隨後進行連續性的離心訓練時,而沒有產生累積性的肌肉傷害或阻礙肌肉損傷的修復。


Thisstudy was to examine the effects of continuous maximal isokinetic voluntary eccentric training on the indicators of muscle damage and inflammatory response. Twenty-two healthy active males were recruited for the investigation (19.3+ 0.9yrs. 172.1 + 4.9cm. 66.2 + 4.2kg). Twelve subjects were randomly assigned to the eccentric training group (MAX) and ten were assigned to the control groups (CON). Theinitial exercise (MAXI) was 3 X 10 reps of maximal voluntary isokinetic eccentric contraction (MAX) on non-dominant elbow flexors with Cybex 6000 at a speed of 60 0 Is. TheMAX group performed the same exercise for the following 6 d after MAXI. None of the subjects had performed this eccentric exercise before this study. CIR. ROM. and MIF were measured before. immediately after. and every 24 h interval for 7 dafter MAXI. Plasma CK. LDH. GOT. and serum IL- 1βand IL-6 activities were assessed before. at 2 h. 1. 3. 4. 6. and 7 dafter MAXI (IL-IβandIL-6 were also analyzed at 2 h after MAX4 & MAX6). MSI was measured prior to the MAXI and after that once a day for 7 d. TheMAXI produced significant changes in all measures for both groups (p<.05). Values remained significantly different from baseline (excepted LDH. GOT. MSI) on d 7 after MAXI for both groups. Furthermore. no significant changes in all dependent variables were caused in MAX2- 7. The continuous MAX training (MAX2- 7) did not exacerbate all dependent variables (ROM. MIF. MSI. CIR. CK. LDH. GOT). but for IL-Iβand IL-6 when performed by affected muscles that had not fully recovery from the MAXI. Therefore. it is concluded that a muscular "adaptation effect" may occur within 24 h after the first exercise. when the MAX group performed 6 consecutive days MAX after MAXI. In addition. intensive isokinetic voluntary eccentric training performed with damaged muscles did not aggravate damage or hinder the repair of muscle damage. Thisinformation has practical implications for athletes and coaches.

