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篇名 佳豐定置漁場漁況變動之研究
卷期 24
並列篇名 Study on the variation of fishing condition at Chiafong set-net fishing company
作者 鄭火元
頁次 43-66
關鍵字 定置網漁業漁況漁獲組成佳豐定置漁場Set-net fisheryCatch species compositionFishing conditionChiafong fishing company
出刊日期 201003


花蓮佳豐定置漁場於西元1996 年至2003 年共計8年間,平均每年漁撈作業天數為293天。研究其日別漁獲資料,經蒐集、整理並進行魚種分類與必要之統計分析,結果得知,本漁場年度漁獲魚種數介於99~162之間,平均有131種之多。由每年度漁獲量前20名之魚種中,得知8年度共有26種主要魚種,包括鯖科9種、鰺科4種,以及其他科別13種,大多數為沿岸洄游性魚種;這些主要魚種每年漁獲量平均佔年度總產量之82.46% (78.35~ 87.32%)。漁獲組成多樣性指數為1.16~1.63;均勻度指數為1.20~1.63。經多元尺度分析,本漁場漁獲魚種群聚可分秋、冬及春季三群。春季期間雖然漁獲種類少,來游魚種變動係數最小(CV=13.79%),而且漁獲量之年變動係數最大(CV=56.43%),但其年度之平均總漁獲量卻最多。


There was averagely 293 fishing operation days from 1996 to 2003 at Chiafong set-net fishing company, located in Hualien County, eastern coast of Taiwan. Analysis of the annual catch data by means of logbook collected in the 8 years; there were average 131 fish species were captured annually. The most species recorded was 162 in 2001 and the fewest recorded were 99 in 1997 and 1998. There are 26 dominant catch species, including 9 Scombridae, 4 Carangidae and 13 other Families. Most of them are migratory species along the coast. Annual catch production of these dominant species were comprised on average about 82.46% (78.35 ~87.32%) of yearly total catch. The Diversity index (H’) was 1.16~1.63, while Index of Evenness (J’) was 1.20~1.63. The mean (M), standard deviation (SD) and coefficient of variation (CV) of operating fiscal production depending on season during the eight-year period reveal that although the CV in spring is the biggest (0.5643), there are the most catches in spring. MDS analyses of monthly catch data revealed discrete species aggregations, and it can be divided into three groups, i.e., autumn group, winter group and spring group.
