
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 揚雄心性論之探析
卷期 34
並列篇名 Inquire Into and Analyze Yang Xiong's
作者 張靜環
頁次 491-502
關鍵字 displays the human nature to be originally friendly completely心性advocate wisdomvirtue and wickedness are coexistedmentalityYang Xiong盡心存神揚雄尚智善惡混
出刊日期 200812




Yang Xiong's thought has mixed the Confucian, Taoism, Yin Yang and the concept of the five elements. In the Han Dynasty, discusses the characteristic with the vitality which the disposition is accustomed. Therefore, in his mentality discussion Yang Xiong had inherited the development which the predecessor disposition and then constructed the "discussing human nature from darkside and brightside, the virtue and the wickedness are coexisted theory", "thoughts prudent and meticulous people may become the sage", "intellectual people may become the adviser". Above all these human nature's theory advocate the human's wisdom. There is an opinion about the bad thought as well as the behavior stem from the sentiment, how does the evil removal to save the friendly, depends on the display consideration clear mental main body. Then, by studies the self-control disposition, but accomplish sage's boundary

