
嘉南學報. 人文類

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篇名 大陸旅客來台觀光重遊意願分析-從權益保障認知觀點
卷期 34
並列篇名 The Study on Relationship of China Tourist's Tourism between Rights Cognition and Revisiting Willingness Analysis in Taiwan
作者 吳慶烜謝孟蓉林怡秀張玉明
頁次 857-871
關鍵字 revisiting willingnessvisitor's satisfactionrightsmotivationTourism觀光重遊意願旅遊滿意度權益保障旅遊動機
出刊日期 200812




The purpose of this paper is to make researches into current status of the travel motivation; satisfaction of travel experience; rights and revisiting willingness for the visitors coming from China to visit Taiwan and investigate the relation of variables. The population of this research is based on the visitors of China who meet the requirement of visitors of China who is qualified to come to Taiwan to visit, the questionnaire was sampled and investigated in Taiwan by stratified sampling. Subjects for this study consisted of 346. We analyzed by descriptive statistics, reliability analysis and structural equation modeling (SEM). The conclusion of the research is summarized as follows. The travel motivation and satisfaction, rights and satisfaction, satisfaction and revisiting willingness of visitors of China affect together positively and directly, only travel motivation and revisiting willingness, rights and revisiting willingness affect together positively and indirectly by way of media variable satisfaction as well.

