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篇名 臺灣中部地區玉山箭竹林土壤中內生菌根菌調查
卷期 11:2、11:2
並列篇名 Vesicular-Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (VAMF) in Soils Associated with Yushania Niitakayamensis in Mountain Forests of Central Taiwan
作者 林子超
頁次 79-91
關鍵字 玉山箭竹內生菌根菌Yushania niitakayamensisVesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungiVAMF
出刊日期 200907


玉山箭竹([wujcpkc"pkkvcmc{cogpuku)在台灣廣泛分布於海拔約1,500-3,600m之山區,此區域為台灣針闊葉混淆林及針葉林床絕對優勢的林下結構,對天然林系統的完整性,以及中高海拔林地的穩定性,擔負無可替代的功能或作用。玉山箭竹的生育環境除了梯度變化大外,往往生長於植物生存不易、風強土薄、岩屑貧瘠之惡地。本研究針對中部地區玉山箭竹生育地土壤中的內生菌根菌進行調查,研究發現玉山箭竹根系土壤樣本經分離鑑定共記錄5屬23種內生菌根菌,其中較具優勢的菌種為Cecwnqurqtc"mqumgk、Cecwnqurqtc"urkpquc、Cecwnqurqtc"vwdgtewncvc、Cecwnqurqtc"ncgxku、Inqowu"enctqkfgwo 及Uewvgnnqurqtc" rgnnwekfc。本研究並發現4 種台灣新紀錄種Cecwnqurqtc" cnrkpc、
Cecwnqurqtc"wpfwncvc、Cecwnqurqtc"gzecxcvc 及 Gpvtqrjqurqtc"uejgpemkk。


[wujcpkc" pkkvcmc{cogpuku" is distributed in the Central Mountain Range at elevations of 1,500-3,600m in Taiwan. It is a dominant ground-cover plant in coniferous forests and needle broad leaf
mixed forests, playing an irreplaceable role in maintaining the integrity and stability of the forest system. [0"pkkvcmc{cogpuku lives in infertile areas often inhabitable for other plants. This study investigated the fungus composition in soils of the [0" pkkvcmc{cogpuku forests and found 23 species in 5 genera of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAMF)0 Of them Cecwnqurqtc" mqumgk, Cecwnqurqtc" urkpquc, Cecwnqurqtc" vwdgtewncvc, Cecwnqurqtc" ncgxku, Inqowu" enctqkfgwo and Uewvgnnqurqtc" rgnnwekfc" were dominant, and" Cecwnqurqtc" cnrkpc, Cecwnqurqtc" wpfwncvc," Cecwnqurqtc" gzecxcvc and Gpvtqrjqurqtc" uejgpemkk were new records to Taiwan.
