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篇名 日月潭水庫外來入侵種暹羅副雙邊魚(Parambassis Siamensis)攝食生態之研究
卷期 11:2、11:2
並列篇名 Feeding Ecology of the Exotic Glass Fish (Parambassis Siamensis) in Sun Moon Lake
作者 陳智宏郭世榮
頁次 31-46
關鍵字 外來種暹羅副雙邊魚攝食習性日月潭Exotic speciesParambassis siamensisFeeding habitsSun Moon Lake
出刊日期 200907


本研究自2005 年6 月起,每月至南投縣日月潭水庫以四角網進行暹羅副雙邊魚(Rctcodcuuku
ukcogpuku)採集,並依季節、性別及體長大小不同(<50、50-59、60-69 及≧70 mm)分析暹羅副雙邊魚攝食習性,至2007 年5 月止共收集718 尾,總生物量為2,365.60g,並以聚類分析(CLUSTER)、非介量多度空間尺度分析 (MDS)、相似度百分率(SIMPER)及單項相似度分析(one-way ANOSIM)程式,分析不同季節、性別及體長等級間其攝食食物種類的變化。結果發現外來種暹羅副雙邊魚在不同季節、性別及體長等級間其攝食食物種類差異不顯著,主要以攝食未知魚苗及搖蚊類為主。由於暹羅副雙邊魚對於魚苗有很強的掠食性,因此該族群對於日月潭水庫的生態系統可能會造成很大的危害。


The glass fish (Rctcodcuuku" ukcogpuku) in the Sun Moon Lake was sampled monthly with a square-shape fishing net from June 2005 to May 2007. A total of 718 fish with a total weight of 2,365.60g were collected. Their stomach contents were examined, and then, analyzed with CLUSTER,MDS, the similar percentage (SIMPER) and one-way ANOSIM in PRIMER 6.0, and compared among the seasons, genders, and body sizes (<50, 50-59, 60-69 and≧70 mm). The results showed that the major food items of the glass fish were fish fry and Chironomids. No significant difference was found in food items between the genders, among the seasons, and among the body size classes. Due to their strong piscivorous habit, the exotic glass fish may cause damaging effects on the aquatic ecosystem and native fish populations.
